Sikhs for Justice farce 'Referendum' on Khalistan exposed, sees lack of participation

 London [UK], November 25 (ANI): Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), fake "Referendum" on the creation of Khalistan - for a separate Sikh nation was exposed in a raid by UK police that said that very few people participated.

According to certain reliable inputs emerging from the Indian community in the UK, especially the Sikh community-based in London, the UK Metropolitan police carried out a raid on the office of Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) located on the First floor of Sadda Superstore, 356 Bath Road, Hounslow, UK on November 15, reported dailysikh.
The police took away all electronic devices and documents pertaining to the so-called 'Referendum' held by the SFJ recently. While the 'Referendum' turned out to be a farce with very few people participating, there was speculation that SFJmembers were using various electronic devices to create fake Identity cards and relevant documents pertaining to bogus voters in order to push up the voting numbers during the 'Referendum'.
Police had received information regarding nefarious activities being carried out by SFJ representatives at their office. Significantly, police detained an individual ostensibly with links to Pakistan.
The recent 'Referendum' by SFJ was totally rejected by the over eight hundred thousand Sikh diasporas living in the UK. The only ones who came to vote were a select group of Khalistanis and some neutral individuals with no particular leanings, who were lured to the polling booths on some pretext or the other, reported dailysikh.

Since the farmer issue in India had strong sentiments among a large section of the Sikh community, SFJ members falsely convinced many members of the Sikh community to vote in the Referendum as it apparently had a direct impact on the farmer issue.
The British Sikh community are generally aware of the latest developments including the search having been carried out at the SFJ address and are relieved that finally, the law is taking its course in controlling the activities of SFJ.
The majority of members of the Sikh community consider the SFJ and other Khalistanis as nothing short of "nuisance value" whose only agenda is to raise funds and use Khalistan for their personal economic benefits, reported sikhdaily.
The community has been angry over the years for such elements have tried to create a rift within the British Sikh community and among Sikh and British Hindus.
There is thus a broad consensus among the Sikh community that UK law enforcement authorities should take strict action against the "hate campaign" being carried out by certain elements in the name of Khalistan which is spoiling the name of peace-loving British Sikhs, reported sikhdaily. (ANI)



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