Ivison: Trudeau’s father would not be pleased with handling of Quebec’s back-door separatism
PLUS pandemic fatigue and a new poll has found that Canadians have loss of trust in governments, and their neighbours, as a result of the pandemic Join columnist John Ivison and guests Marcella Munro and Andrew Balfour to laugh about the week’s political follies over a cup of cheer. This week, Marcella, Andrew and John discuss a new poll that found Canadians trust our political leaders less because of the pandemic, as well as whether or not seeing American hockey fans in arenas and British teens in nightclubs has left Canadians in a grumpy pre-Victoria Day weekend mood. Plus classic Can-con and a Constitutional bun-fight over Quebec makes it feel like back to the future. Watch the video below for the latest episode of Ivison . Source: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/ivison-trudeaus-father-would-not-be-pleased-with-handling-of-quebecs-back-door-separatism