The art of pushing religious bigotry in name of feminism and liberalism

Today morning, on Holi, we woke up to an article which made bizarre claims that Holika, the sister of asura king Hiranyakashipu, who tried to kill her nephew on her brother’s behest and got burnt herself instead, was a “Bahujan woman”.
Hinduphobia on full display on Holi festival
Religious bigotry in the name of feminism
There are a few things wrong here. Firstly, the lady who wrote the article conveniently forgets that Holika was trying to set her own nephew on fire, and got burnt herself. Like those numerous terrorists who accidentally blow themselves up while trying to throw grenades elsewhere.
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Secondly, a bit of a research would have revealed to her that Holika was not a Bahujan, but a Brahmin – a community that is ‘liberally’ maligned as oppressors of the Bahujan people (a vague term that will include OBCs when convenient, but the same OBCs will become ‘upper caste’ when they are at odds with Dalits).
As a marginally privileged upper caste Brahmin myself, I may have been shielded from the caste prejudice which is still prevalent in many parts of India, but social media activism has made me realise that more often than not, a lot of these religious and caste issues are raked up to push bigotry under guise of social justice or feminism, as is the case here with this article on the website called ‘Feminism in India’.
As usual, the self-declared left-liberals chose to propagate the blatant untruth, but many exposed the falsehoods:
Holika was not a Bahujan woman, she was a Kattar Brahman woman. She was the daughter of the great Brahman sage Kashyapa. Burning of Holika has no caste angle. Have some shame before peddling such lies.
— True Indology (@TrueIndology) March 2, 2018
Holika was actually a Brahmin. Would u then see it as an ‘anti-Brahmin’ act? I wouldn’t give a caste angle to this story
There is nothing wrong with criticising the scriptures of any religion. But if u do want to criticise the scriptures, a good 1st step is to actually read them
— Amish Tripathi (@authoramish) March 2, 2018
This is not for the first time this website has portrayed Hindu festivals and Hinduism as inherently misogynist:
Hinduphobia under guise of liberalism
Hinduphobia under the guise of liberalism
Hinduphobia by 'Feminism in India'
Hinduism has many goddesses, as against a male god or prophet in some other major religions, but the website must try to downplay it.
And when they are not busy painting Hinduism as oppressive, women-hating religion, they spend their spare time painting Islam as the most women-friendly religion, which is paragon of feminism:
Islamist propaganda or Feminism?
Unequal inheritance, unequal role in jurisprudence, women put under control of male guardians and many such issues with Islam, but it is apparently at harmony with feminism.
Islamic agenda being pushed by 'Feminism in India' website
Feminism or whitewashing Islam?
There are many issues with this website that is promoted as being authoritative feminist voice in India on many platforms like Reliance owned Firstpost, and that is why it becomes important to call out the bigotry and propaganda of this so-called feminist portal.
Just take for example the last screenshot above. ‘Legal Islamic marriage’ would mean it falls under Shariyat laws. Please note, that ‘Sharia’, which endorses polygamy, unequal inheritance, nikah-halala (practice of a divorced woman having to consummate the marriage with another man and then getting a divorce from him before remarrying her previous husband) and unequal rights for divorce among others, is showcased as championing the cause of female sexuality. Is it Feminism or Islamism?
While Islam is hailed as progressive and champion of female sexuality, not a single article has been written on this website that shows Hindus and Hinduism in harmony with feminists themes. The blatant bias and double standards hint at an agenda, which they have not been pretty smart to hide.
However, what they have been pretty smart at, is to use a term like ‘feminism’ to push their agenda. This attempt to marry Islamic themes with liberal ideas is not limited to India though. Even in the West, there are scores of newly propped feminists who can be seen endorsing hijab as a feminist symbol:



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