Yazidi girl released from captivity

 A Yazidi girl was released from ISIS captivity from the al-Hol Camp in eastern Hasaka city.

Rosetta Haji Bajo from the village of Tal Qasab was released from the al-Hol Camp by the Yazidi House on the Jazira Region with support rendered by the Internal Security Forces in the camp. 

Rosetta was abducted by ISIS mercenary groups on 3 August 2014 as she was ascending Mount Shingal. Her father along with three uncles and their children were all killed while women were taken as captives. Rosetta's mother took her life to avoid being raped by ISIS mercenaries.

The statement of the Yazidi House indicated that Rosetta lived in the camp after the Baghouz pocket fell in 2019.

Source: Yazidi girl released from captivity - ANHA | HAWARNEWS | English


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