British kids being brainwashed online by ISIS


Majority of the migrant Muslims – both men and women in Britain are already radicalized and making frantic bids in radicalizing others mostly through social media and messaging apps. In London, for example, Muslim migrants from Asian and African countries are working tirelessly in transforming Britain into the next caliphate. But, it seems, British intelligence community and the media are largely either reluctant or ignorant of this dangerous trend.

According to latest media reports, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told Parliament, children are being exposed to Islamic State (ISIS) terrorism online during lockdown, raising fears of brainwashing.

He said, the rise of violent internet indoctrination is at a “critical moment”, and security services were fighting hard to combat the threat.

The British Foreign Secretary further said, the terrorists’ rising global influence, with armed groups in Africa and Asia adopting its violent methods.

But the biggest worry was the “perfect storm” of young people stuck indoors during lockdown, and going online to relieve their boredom where they were subjected to extremist indoctrination.

A 7-percent rise in the volume of terrorist content online was recorded in the last year. “This is because terrorists have digital access to those who are probably the most susceptible to extremist narratives,” Raab said. “And we can see a worrying rise in the proportion of children and teenagers that are now being arrested for terrorism offences”.

He said the UK is tackling the group’s propaganda “head on”.

But he warned the terror group is “still able to carry out lethal attacks” and it remains the UK’s “most significant terrorist threat” both at home and abroad.

With its terrorist operations in Iraq and Syria curbed, ISIS turned to the internet to promote its violent ideology. “It is more and more reliant on its perverse propaganda and warped narrative to try and maintain its relevance and cement support for its terrorist attacks. Daesh (ISIS) maintains a steady drumbeat of violent communications, which they distribute with encrypted messaging applications”.

Working alongside the Global Coalition Against Daesh, the British security arms of MI6, GCHQ and the Ministry of Defence were carrying out “a range of targeted and effective offensive cyber operations”.

The cyber teams helped to disrupt battlefield communications, destabilize terrorist ranks, helping coalition forces surprise ISIS and “ultimately overwhelm them”.

The foreign secretary said Britain’s security services were “taking the fight online” to terrorists and “degrading their network by dismantling their lies”.

However, 10,000 ISIS fighters are at large across Syria and Iraq, some in detention centres but others among the civilian population or in refugee camps.

Raab said the group’s name was globally recognized. “It’s been adopted by a whole range of armed groups and we can see that from Mozambique right the way across to the Philippines”.

He described the fight with ISIS as an “attritional battle” that was “often invisible to the public or in the media but it is absolutely essential that we’re approaching it with total vigor and determination”.

The coalition’s effort was undermined by Iran’s Shia militias. “We’ve seen a concerted pattern of attacks in recent weeks. We will continue to be absolutely resolute and robust in our response to Iran’s proxies, who must not be allowed to destabilize Iraq and the wider region”.

He said the coalition would “never be complacent in the struggle” against ISIS. “We will not let up until Daesh is consigned to the history books.

Muslim migrants hijacking Britain from the Britons

In a stunning conversation with me, when asked a Muslim female migrant in Britain how do they see Britons in the society – to my utter surprise she replied: “There is no more any white-skin or non-Muslim in here. We have driven them out of East London and soon they will be found nowhere in this country”.

This outrageous statement of a Muslim female migrant in Britain proves – UK is not only being Islamized – it is also being hijacked by those hundreds and thousands of Muslim migrants. Possibly pretty soon, wearing hijab and burqa will be mandatory for every British female – irrespective of their religious identity, unless some urgent measures are taken in containing the spread of radical Islam in that country.



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