NGO that monitors United Nations roasts Pakistan govt for justifying beheading over ‘blasphemy’

The UN watch group, a Geneva-based NGO that monitors the performance of the United Nations, on Saturday roasted the terror-state of Pakistan over its inclusion in the United Nations Human Rights Council.

It all started when the Government of Pakistan defended the brutal act of beheading of a French teacher in Paris by an Islamic terrorist by claiming that the blasphemy in the garb of freedom of expression is ‘intolerable’.

Govt of Pakistan insinuating beheading for blasphemy is ok

Essentially, Pakistan government indirectly attacked France and its people for standing up against radical Islamic terrorism following the beheading of a teacher by a Muslim immigrant terrorist two weeks ago.

As Pakistan cheered the act of killing non-Muslims for their alleged act of ‘blasphemy’, the UN Watch – the NGO that keep an eye on the mandates fulfilled by United Nations and its agencies, took to Twitter to slam Pakistan saying that the country’s presence on UN Human Rights Council is ‘intolerable’.

UN Watch roasting Pakistan

It is pertinent to note that Pakistan was recently re-elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council despite opposition from activist groups over its abysmal human rights records.

The Pakistan government, humiliated by the comment made by the UN watchdog, attacked the NGO by alleging that it was pro-Israel NGO that had evident bias against Muslims.

Arslan Khalid, the digital media adviser to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, responding to UN Watch said that the NGO was another pro-Israel NGO with evident bias against Muslims. He claimed that the tweets made by the NGO had nothing to do with the United Nations.

Imran Khan’s media advisor’s tweet

Khalid said that tweets by ‘pro-Israel’ condemning Pakistan’s act of blasphemy only proved that Imran Khan’s comments of not accepting Israel have hurt all these anti Muslim lobbies.

Following the anti-Israel rant by Imran Khan’s adviser against the UN Watch, the NGO responding to Pakistan dared them against pretending to be a defender of Muslims by citing its stand on the issue of Uighur Muslims.

The NGO pointed out how the Pakistan government has overlooked the Human Rights violation by signing letters praising the Chinese government even after their inhuman actions against nearly one million Uighur Muslims.

— UN Watch (@UNWatch) November 7, 2020

The UN Watch also pointed out how Imran Khan has officially backed genocide against Muslims in China, by supporting the Communist Party of China’s human rights violations against Uighur Muslims.

Pakistan’s silence on atrocities against Uighur Muslims

Just a few days back, Pakistan experts had claimed that the persecution of Uighur (also spelt Uyghur) Muslims by the Communist government in China is a non-issue, and they are satisfied with the way China is handling the Muslims in the country.

Fearful of action by their masters, Imran ‘Taliban’ Khan, the civilian face of terror state of Pakistan, has largely chosen to be tight-lipped about the persecution of Uighur Muslims by China at a time when the whole world is taking a serious note of the issue. For a long-time now, Pakistan has evaded responding to Chinese atrocities against its own citizens- the Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province of China. 

Recently, Khan had defended China’s action against Uighur Muslims by saying, “China is a great friend” and has helped Pakistan when it reached rock bottom and hence Pakistan government is grateful to the Chinese government.

Pakistan, a ‘rented’ state of China, has been in a tough spot as it can neither condemn nor be decisive about the growing concerns about human rights abuse by China against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province of China.

Who are Uighur Muslims?

Uighurs are a Turkish-Muslims ethnic group living in Xinjiang, the largest and most western of China’s administrative regions surrounded by Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. The Xinjiang autonomous region in China has had a long history of discord between the authorities and the indigenous ethnic Uighur population.

The indigenous Muslim Uighurs have a complicated relationship with China which is fuelled with growing discontent among Uighur people over ethnic, religious and cultural factors. However, the discontent of the Uighurs had turned to a form of extremism, which China intended to control by curtailing their commercial and cultural activities and by putting restrictions on Islam, strict control over religious schools.

Additionally, China has detained more than one million Uighurs in so-called “reeducation centres” and has forced them to undergo psychological indoctrination programs — like studying communist propaganda and giving thanks to Chinese President Xi Jinping. However, the Chinese government claims that the camps are simply vocational and training centres intended to combat extremism and to teach detainees some useful and valuable skills



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