The Left's intolerance

Members of the right-wing Zionist group Im Tirtzu realized their mistake in putting out the "foreign agents" campaign. Their apology was appropriate, and they should be congratulated for internalizing that and apologizing for it so quickly. Since the Jewish people appeared on the stage of history, they have been known as a people marked by cracks, crises, and disagreements. The secret of Jewish excellence stems, among other things, from pluralist thinking, an ability to accept different opinions, and mainly in thinking outside the box. 
Everyone is familiar with the Left's intolerance. There is no need for the Right to compete with it. It is the right of every person in a democratic state, certainly a Jewish state, to think differently, to express their opinion -- even the extremist ones -- and belong to associations that are more annoying that people can take. 
Israeli society is a wonderful tapestry that features different colors and shades, and we're proud of that; a vibrant, opinionated society in which nothing is taken for granted. Even its borders are the subject of internal controversy, and after 2,000 years people are still arguing about who is a Jew. 
The frustration of Im Tirtzu and other right-wing groups is understandable. The members of these groups, like many in Israel, know the absolute control the Left has over culture, art, and media. Leftists are always shouting "democracy," while silencing anyone who doesn't think like them. 
The Right wins the election, and the media gives it a stage as if we were talking about some fringe movement. But frustration is always a poor advisor. 
For years, there has been a deep-seated dispute between Right and Left. Most of the public identifies with the positions of the Right. 
In times like these, we are allowed to act like gracious winners and stop campaigns that supposedly mark people as "traitors." 
We have enough enemies from outside, and we cannot allow ourselves to open an unnecessary internal front.



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