A Search for Survival and Family Amid the Violence in South Sudan

WAU SHILLUK, South Sudan — It had been more than a month since Theresa James had seen her two small children.

She was only 13 miles away from them, across the Nile River, in what used to be a hamlet of 3,000 people. Then the town was bursting with 50,000 men, women and children seeking refuge from a civil war that continues to tear the country apart.

“I don’t know how my children are doing,” said Ms. James, who was separated from her children and other family members when the recent clashes broke out.

For more than a month, humanitarian workers had been unable to reach this place, home to people who until recently were aligned with the government. Now the townspeople here are branded rebels and terrorists.

Source http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/06/28/world/africa/a-search-for-survival-and-family-amid-the-violence-in-south-sudan.html


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