A history of attack on newspapers the published controversial cartoons

The French satirical weekly attacked Wednesday has mocked Islam in past, along with other religions. The controversial depiction of the Islamic Prophet has often had violent backlash.
In 2011, the same organisation – Charlie Hebdo -- was targeted for its satire edition that listed the Prophet Mohammed as editor-in-chief and featured cartoons. Its office was firebombed and website hacked in retaliation.
In 2006, Swedish artist Lars Vilks made a series of drawings depicting Prophet Mohammad in a controversial light. While initially art galleries refused to publish it, one of the drawings was printed in a Swedish paper. In 2010, plotters of Stockholm bombings, in which one person died, cited the drawings as one of the reasons for their attacks
In 2005, Danish paper Jyllands-Posten drew the ire of Islamists when it published controversial caricatures of Prophet Mohammed. Five years later, police arrested several suspects who planned to attack the paper’s office.
About Charlie Hebdo:
It is a French satirical weekly, featuring cartoons, reports, polemics and jokes. The publication has routinely taken a strong stand against Islam. In September 2012, the newspaper published a series of satirical cartoons of Mohammed, in response to series of attacks on US embassies where were in fallout of the anti-Islamic American film Innocence of Muslims. After Hebdo’s cartoons, the French government temporarily shut certain French embassies besides beefing up security at others.

Source http://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/a-history-of-prophet-cartoons-and-attack-on-newspapers/article1-1304282.aspx


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